As a headshot photographer, one of the key decisions I have to make is what type of lighting to use. Two common options are natural light and studio light and each can create a unique look and feel for your photos. Here are a few differences between natural and studio lighting for headshots:
Natural light can be more flattering but it’s more unpredictable. Soft, diffused natural light can make the skin look smooth and even. It can be beautiful, but it’s difficult to control. The quality of natural light can vary depending on the time of day, weather conditions and location. This means that you may have to work with the light available, which can be challenging. However, natural light can create a more organic and authentic look, which is often desirable in headshots.
Studio light is more consistent but can be harsh if not used correctly. Studio light is more reliable than natural light, as you have complete control over the lighting conditions. This means that you can create a consistent look across all your photos, regardless of the time of day or location. Studio light is particularly useful if you're shooting indoors or if you want to create a specific mood or atmosphere.
So choosing the right type of lighting for headshot photography largely depends on your personal preference and the look you want to achieve. I personally like to try both options with my clients, as long as the weather allows it. With many years of experience working with natural and studio lights, I have honed my ability to set up the right lighting, achieve the desired mood and bring out the best in my subjects.​​​​​​​
Ultimately, whether you choose natural light or studio light for headshot photography, it's important to keep in mind that both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and experimenting with both can help you achieve a more varied headshot session.